Friday, November 7, 2008

Staff Sleeping in the Cabin

Guys, please take a look at the link i attached, and watch the video that was attached to that page as well. This is the current hot gossip topic in LM

Just a gentle reminder, if you feel tired, go to the locker or engineer rest room to rest/sleep. Please don't do this kind of thing that will spoil the engineer professionalism.

In fact, if you force yourself to work, you can't really perform your assignment/job well, which will greatly affect the airworthiness of the aircraft and endanger human's life

Again, please do not rest or sleep in the aircraft.

As a monitor of the batch, i feel such a shame to the batch boy/girl and to the fellow engineer



Anonymous said...

the engineer look like our senior batch de?

iszit someone we know?

aLya said...

The 4 staff have had their services terminated..

A stern warning to not sleep in the aircraft n to not take unauthorised pictures..